Over in Belfast, an imaginative fellow named Peter Kerr, who runs a design firm by the name of Atto, Ltd., has developed an intriguing way to raise money for charity. His innovative web site, Your Name on Toast, is racking up the hits and the donations to charities to be named later – based on voting by the donors.
These kinds of web site, which Seth Godin refers to as “link promo pages,” are a great way for individuals and organizations whose web sites aren’t in the top 1,000 to get some additional exposure. In this case, each piece of toast links to a web site specified by the person who makes a donation.
Peter’s new web site just happened to coincide with the introduction of our new “consulting secrets” marketing campaign. The result is that we’re one of the contributors.
Results? Our web traffic is way up. Now more people know more about the types of specialized services -- including troubled project resolution -- that are available from Consulting Intelligence.
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